Where did you grow up?
I lived in New York until I was 4 and then I moved to Honduras . . . I lived in Mexico city for four years while I was in high school. . . I went to college here in the US . . . because of my parents’ jobs I moved around a lot . . . I would consider myself a New Yorker over anything else.
How is your relationship with your family?
A healthy relationship. I enjoy spending time with them and so when I can I do, and I feel very lucky that my mom and dad are close . . . My sibling is a 10 minute walk away and she also has two kids so my kids spend a lot of time with her kids.
What was your favorite subject in school?
History. In high school I may have enjoyed my Math and Science classes a little more because they were challenging.
What was your dream job when you were younger?
My first dream job was to be a musical theater actress . . . I wanted to direct because I went to Shakespeare Camp every summer.
What was your experience being a high school student?
I really enjoyed high school and I think I took advantage of a lot of the things . . . In all the clubs, I ran the newspaper, I was in the play . . . My school did a really good job of creating a culture where learning was fun and engaging .
What was your experience being a college student?
You just have so much time to explore . . . You have maybe an hour and a half of class in a day and the rest of the time is yours . . . The friendships you create in college can be really deep because you have so much more time .
What are your weaknesses and strengths?
I find conflict hard especially when people are having conflict with each other or when I have a conflict with someone and it’s hard for me to be direct about it and I try to go around it . . . One of my strengths is that I work really hard.
How did it feel getting your first job and what was that job?
My first job was at KAPPA . . . KAPPA was a very good place for a first job and people were very supportive . . . Of all the places I could have ended up, I feel like this was a very warm and welcoming place for me to make mistakes my first year.
What was an obstacle in your life that you were able to overcome?
”My Spanish got worse but my accent was okay. I knew how to speak it but I didn’t have good vocabulary . . . I got better in college because I had a friend . . . He was nice, He didn’t make fun of me and that was the barrier that I needed . . . it’s okay to not be perfect the first time and my Spanish got a lot better.
What would the students be surprised to find out about you?
I have a twin sister . . . I have had students who try to talk to her and give her a hug . . . I just want kids to know that there’s someone that looks like me that doesn’t know them and it’s not that I’m being mean!